If any readers know of anymore please comment.
Spotify DJ
Brodcast Spotify DJ sets from your computer. Not sure how this one compares to blip.fm
Scrobble the tracks you play on Spotify via Last.FM/Audioscrobbler
Share and search Spotify playlists.
Spotify Plugins
A work in progress API to create third party Spotify applications.
Playlist widget for Facebook, blogs etc. This appears to be down at the moment.

That reminds me I still need to get Scrobblify up and running. And still waiting patiently for the full release of an iPhone app so that I can fully justify going out to get one soon.
I also heard a rumour that the guys behind The Swedish Model are working on a social app for Spotify. If Martin is reading this, maybe he can confirm/deny this?!
Hi Nick,
I make Spotify DJ. At this time it's a spare time project that came out of this Jaiku thread.
I'm not sure how it compares to Blip.fm either.
I think the model, where the listener procures the music, not the DJ/radio station, is novel - and I'm going to be adding more social stuff and more conversation to Spotify DJ in the month(s) to come.
Hi Claus,
thanks for that. really interesting to see how some of these conversations start on microblogging platforms. Don't suppose you have a Jaiku invite?
Good luck with Spotity DJ
Check out remteless! iPhone remote for Spotify on Windows (and later mac). It got search and browsing, and webpage has video demo and blog. Will be released around 1. march
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