Following up on my last post here are some more links to Cloud Computing in the news.
It seems that the view on whether this is the next big thing is a bit of a mixed bag.
Rough Type: Nicholas Carr's Blog: The cloud's not-so-silver lining
Cloud Computing: Hype vs. Reality - Network World
Rough Microsoft after Gates | After Bill | Economist.com- Network World
Cloud Computing Promise & Reality | AlwaysOn
Also, if you have a spare few minutes take part in this survey for MixcloudThe survey is basically for anyone who listens to music online. And if you're a DJ or create podcasts you can fill out this one too
From what I can work out the service is a bit similar to SoundCloud but is more based around DJ mixes. The site is founded by Nikhil Shah, who previously was part of the Songkick gang.