SoundCloud is a platform for music professionals enabling them to send and receive music.
Where it differs from the likes of more established players like Rapidshare, Zshare, Sharebee etc. is that rather than acting as an FTP it allows users to have a music inbox, from which they can stream or download directly.
One of the pretty nifty collbaroation features is the option to leave a "timed comment" at a specific point in a track to give feedback to the creator. This creates enormous potential for people to make music together globally or to just get some handy A&R feedback.
One of my favourite music blogs Discobelle is currently accepting submissions with their SoundCloud drop box. Again, this brings to mind that SoundCloud is also a great way for music bloggers to accept submissions and manage content before posting.
The site is currently in private beta mode but I have ten invites to give away. Leave a comment or drop me an email ( nick@nicklevine.co.uk ) to get one.
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